Sunday, November 29, 2009

When i cut my hair short,it turns wavy and thick..can i solve this?


i have this long hair that i've straightened some time back.the thing is, i'm thinking of cutting it short,mainly because i'd like a change to the short hair look.

my problem is that whenever i cut it in the past,my hair will become naturally wavy and thick. i don't mind the wave, but is there anyway to solve the thick hair? because it makes my hair look unkempt and hard to maintain..

thnks (:

When i cut my hair short,it turns wavy and thick..can i solve this?

You can go to the hairdressers and get her to cut into your hair with thinning scissors. Mostly having longer hair with the weight keeps your hair from going wavy or curly. Iget this done as i have thick wavy hair also and getting it thinned down will be easier managed better and better to work with when blowdrying

When i cut my hair short,it turns wavy and thick..can i solve this?

Ask your stylist to textuize it and see if that helps.

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