Sunday, June 20, 2010

I have had super thick hair for most of my life but my hairline is still receding?

I am 20, and most of my life i had really really thick hair. well, its come to my attention that my hairline is receding pretty much in the temporal areas, despite this. yet my roomate has really thin hair (so much so that you can practically see his scalp all around) yet he is able to keep his full hairline. Why??

I have had super thick hair for most of my life but my hairline is still receding?

I think i have d exact same problem as you but i tink its all genes really. I your father or grandparents were bald then its something you cant really control but you can do things to slow balding. Find a shampoo without soduim or ammonium laureth sulfate in your local health store as they have been linked to baldness. Dr.Haushka does shampoo without them. Expensive but fantastic. Also drink herbal teas such as Nettle tea with some ginger and lemon and also camomile tea. Also adding a drop of saw palmetto berriy juice to the tea helps as this balances the hormones in d body which is also linked to ageing and balding. It also wards off prostate cancer and increases fertility. Excersise is good as it increases blood flow around the body and to the head which will encourage hair growth. I also hear that onion juice is supposed to be a miracle worker but its really hard to make and it stinks. Well dat should keep you busy for a while. Even if your hair continues to go you will live to be 100!

I have had super thick hair for most of my life but my hairline is still receding?

ARD the answer lies on your mothers side the family. If she has a father ,brothers, or sisters with thinning or bald head hair. The testosterone your body produces that grows the hair all over your body is responsible for the loss also. Because the excess testosterone is converted into estrogen and it blocks the growth of the hair on the head, causing it to fall out, or killing the nourishment and blood supply to the bulb of the hair at the root. So the same hormone that gives you the thick pubic hair, chest hair and beard, is the same hormone that is making you lose your hair young man. Yours is known as alopecia areata not sure of the spelling, but it falls out in just areas instead of all over. The other is alopecia universalis, which is that it is all over his head, but can cause other areas of the body to lose hair also. I lost both testicles and the doctors never gave me hormone replacement shots of testosterone for years. I lost every bit of my hair from the genitals to the eyebrows and all my hair everywhere. Also the doctors failed to tell me that after years of not being able to get an erection I have lost penis size. You heard the expression if you don't use it you lose it! well that is also true I find out years later from a specialist in urology. It's nice being men? Any ways my hair came back but never too the fullness it was before my accident. My head hair is full, but body hair is nothing like it was. If there were indeed a treatment to recommend I would, but medically speaking there is no answer for regrowing it. Rogaine does work it's expensive, but once you stop the treatment it falls out again. And women think they have it bad! Anyways I am a retired barber, beautician stylist. Hope this has been of value. I will keep your condition in my prayers God will supply your new regrowth beyond your wildest dreams. GOOD LUCk!

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